Friday, November 1, 2013

Honduras 2013

Comayagua, Sat eve, Nov 9, Hotel Posada de mi Viejo

We were there over an hour ahead of time, but we could not sleep, knowing the one & only Tica Bus today to Honduras was coming by León, reportedly about 6:30 am. It did stop for us, just before 7, & began it’s international trek. Border crossing was WAY easier than the gauntlet from Costa Rica in to Nicaragua. The Tica guy took our passports & $8 each, either payment for leaving Nicaragua or for entering Honduras. We stood outside the bus for about 10 minutes, got back on & continued our way toward Tegucigalpa. Not crowded, I found an empty seat, so Mary could put her leg up. Pretty countryside, very green (now the end of rainy season). When the bus rolled in just before 1 pm, Arturo was waiting for us. He met Mary almost 2 years ago at a coffee fair in Portland. A coffee farmer here, he & Mary have exchanged emails & planned this visit for months. Art is from Puerto Rico, a 20-year retiree of US military, now the proud owner of 21 acres of coffee in the mountains outside Comayagua, a historic city that was the first Honduran capitol. Art also works as a contractor on the US Army base here. None of us slept well last night, anxious to catch the bus this morning. Mary is already asleep & I’m heading that way.

Sunday night, Nov 10, Comayagua

Art picked us up after breakfast & took us to Finca El Rosario—his coffee farm in the Montecillo Mts west of here. Probably only 25 km as the crow flies, over 1 & ½ hours by road. Near the community of San Jose, at about 4500 feet elevation. He is building an eco-lodge, has lots of plans for improvements to his coffee production & providing a special experience for travelers. We spent about 3 hours walking the finca, talking about his plans, snapping lots of pics. On return to town, we went to Don Ricardo’s restaurant next to the church & central plaza, where, over jalapeno steaks, chicken fajitas & drinks, the animated conversation continued.

Tue am, 11/12, Comayagua

Packing to head home. Yesterday we visited the local market, cathedral, with allegedly the 2nd oldest bell tower in the world & historic center of Comayagua. A local tourist guide managed to befriend us. We could have figured out going up the bell tower for noon ringing on our own, but he took me to a place in the market where I got some Honduran cigars at better prices than the shop on the plaza. Art brought green coffee beans, to fill up the extra bag I brought along. We thanked him for everything, promised to return to stay in his El Rosario eco-lodge when it’s completed. Maybe we can fly here, go visit Matagalpa, across the border in Nicaragua, the coffee region we didn’t get to, due to transportation issues & too little time to get from there to here.

For pics of Finca El Rosario & Comayagua, go to

Tuesday night, Nov 26, Edgewood, WA

A couple days after getting home my cough began. Repeat of a year ago, when I came back with a cough from our trip to Cuba & the Yucatan. I'm still coughing, but I have faith that I'm getting better. Mary & I agree—next trip I need to shed the distorted perception of myself as a 20-something backpacker—cover less territory, más tranquilo.

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